Utilize the following products, websites, articles and resources on your personal wellness journey. These are my favorite recommendations. I am not being endorsed to promote these products!
Do you have a favorite resource or brand you'd like to recommend? Or are you are curious about the safety of a particular product you use? E-mail sheila@wellnesslivingrd.com to make your suggestion or inquiry!
Personal Care, Cosmetics, & Home
The personal products we use on a daily basis can influence our health because of the ingredients they contain - Some ingredients are safe while others have been shown to cause a number of health concerns. Check this list for shopping tips, and utilize EWGβs Skin Deep database to look up hundreds of products and find out their rating. These are some of my favorite products - either they are my usual brands that I use regularly or they have been highly rated on Skin Deep.
Skin care
Home & Cleaning Products
Green Cleaning!
Visit this EWGβs Guide to Healthy Cleaning for more information and to become an informed consumer
Green Cleaning Products
Green Home
Favorite Food Products & Brands
These are some of my staples