Feed Your Chakras


a 10-week online course to enhance your yoga practice through HOLISTIC nutrition and alternative therapies


-launches december 31st, 2018-

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Feed Your Chakras

Are you struggling with nutrition? Are you totally confused on what’s the best diet for your health needs? Do you suffer from debilitating conditions or symptoms like poor sleep, poor digestion, aches and weight gain despite your efforts? You’re so not alone!

This can be even more frustrating for those truly attempting to improve their health and wellness, either through diet, yoga, or other wellness techniques.

Whether you’re thinking about starting yoga or you’ve been practicing for years, the health benefits are numerous. Yoga has the ability to heal the body and impact both mental and physical health. However, many of us still experience certain health conditions and symptoms despite our dedication to yoga. All of us seem to want to upgrade our yoga practice and achieve even more benefits that spill into everyday living. Well, it’s totally possible to experience optimal health! Integrative nutrition and alternative health therapies may be your missing link.

Feed Your Chakras is the ultimate guide designed fill those gaps, providing education and inspiration for a variety of topics such as nutrition for yoga, digestive health and inflammation, stress-management, how to sleep better, various how-to guides and much, much more! All of the content will be science-based, developed by the Dietitian (that’s me!) and featuring other health professionals. I am so excited to create this course and provide you with all of this essential information which launches December 31st, 2018!

Childs Pose

about the course

Become an expert in your health and wellness with this 10-week online wellness course which includes education developed by a Registered Dietitian, inspiration, and essential knowledge related to a healthy and balanced lifestyle - and most importantly, how to transform this knowledge into everyday living

Happy on the beach

Who this course for

Whether you’re a beginner, advanced yogi, or just contemplating adding yoga into your life, this program will benefit you. All content and education is systemic, meaning it impacts all people. This is especially for you if you continue to struggle with nutrition and symptoms like inflammation despite your efforts to improve your health!



Pre-orders START november 11th!

Feed Your Chakras

program overview


what you’ll learn

  • Valuable and credible nutrition education developed by a Dietitian

  • How to establish a better relationship with food

  • How to apply nutrition information to everyday living

  • Which foods promote health and prevent disease

  • Why and how to include more whole foods in your diet

  • Yoga poses for digestion, inflammation, stress management and better sleep

  • How to eat mindfully

  • How to eliminate inflammation

  • How to Improve digestion

  • How to balance hormones

  • How to develop a daily/nightly routine and how to sleep better

  • How to eat a well-balanced diet

  • How to eliminate aches and pains

  • How to boost your immune system

  • And finally, enhance your yoga practice!

What’s included

  • TEN lessons (one lesson each week)

  • Audio/video lectures

  • Weekly challenges related to each lesson - to enhance your learning experience and keep you on track!

  • A private Facebook group exclusively for members with weekly discussions

  • Attention & guidance from the instructor/dietitian through comments (or 1x1 coaching with the vip membership!)

  • Weekly newsletter emails to keep you updated

  • Plant-based, whole food recipes

  • Live Q&A’s

  • Instructor feedback to answer any comments and questions related to material

  • Sample meal plans (individualized meal plans can be purchased at an additional cost)

  • Journal exercises

  • Downloadable workbooks for certain lessons

  • Certificate of completion

  • Additional 1x1 coaching with the VIP membership (three 1x1 coaching sessions 30-60 minutes each, valued at $300!)

  • Lifetime access to the course materials

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course curriculum

Avocado Toast


Module one | five lessons

  • How to eat like a yogi

  • Basic principles of good nutrition

  • Mindful eating

  • Anti-inflammatory diet

  • Nutrition for digestion

Yoga on the beach


module | two lessons

  • Exercise guidelines

  • Preparing/recovering for workouts

Live Better


module three | three lessons

  • Sleep

  • Stress management

  • Organic/cleaning living


Enrollment options

VIP Membership

In addition to the entire course content upon enrollment you get three separate 1x1 sessions from Sheila over the 10-week course. Support may be done through e-mail, phone, video-chat, and in person (for the locals!). This option is ideal for those members struggling particularly with nutrition or health needs and would like personalized recommendations. (*Note - an informed consent will need to be signed in order to receive private sessions).

Self Study

This membership is for you if you want to learn at your own pace and you do not need to receive personalized nutrition recommendations from the Dietitian/instructor, and you are okay with support only through the private Facebook group!

how it works

Get on the list to receive updates and be notified when pre-orders start (November 11th!). Once you enroll in the course on November 11th, you’ll receive a newsletter e-mail welcoming you to the Feed Your Chakras Tribe and prepping you for your wellness journey! Then wait eagerly for the COURSE TO LAUNCH DECEMBER 31st! There will be one new lesson a week over 10 weeks. Everything is online, so you can access the content from your phone, computer or tablet, anywhere and any time. It is recommended to find a friend to go through the program with to keep you on track with the lessons and enhance your learning experience!


about the creator

Click to learn more about me!

Click to learn more about me!


Hi, my name is Sheila,

The Dietitian and founder of Wellness Living and Nutrition, a private nutrition practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I started yoga about eight years ago when I began my personal health journey, and I have continuously noticed - despite a dedication to yoga and experiencing benefits from practicing, there seems to be a common missing link among many yogis – nutrition.

In my profession I understand how confusing and frustrating nutrition information can seem, especially because of how easily it circulates on the internet and through friends and family. 

But health is not just about food! There are many different elements that impact well-being. And that is why I created Feed Your Chakras, to provide you not only with clear and consistent nutrition education, but inspiration and alternative techniques to balance your life. My goal is to help you live better from the inside out. You deserve to experience vibrant living!

Let’s extend our yoga practice to the kitchen table in order to keep the body nourished and the mind clear.


wellness spotlight

members get featured in the wellness spotlight to share their stories

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This could be you!.jpg
Feed Your Chakras has helped me eliminate pain, sleep better, and improve my diet!
— your future self
coming soon!.jpg

Ready to level up your practice?
